Thursday, March 31, 2011


i resent this post. i am only posting because apparently one can only have two computers using the same netflix account at one time. my sister in florida, where it is two hours later than salt lake, refuses to get off netflix, go to sleep and allow me to waste away my last week of vacation with law and order. however. i do not resent prada. well this spring season is literally only good for their shoes, so enjoy those thoroughly.

hello. THESE shoes.

yes. they are holding rabbit tails. some might say "innovative." Some might say "sale section at the nike outlet in Park City." but, damn, the shoes.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

funnin yuh.

Something interesting is. I used to want to be a wallpaper designer. I would draw samples on paper ALL THE TIME. And NO I didn’t want to be an artist. I wanted my drawings to become wallpaper. Pah. Despite my parents extreme encouragement (not just in this; theyre not crazy), it seems i have forsaken this dream. eh. Other people are good at it.

look. i dont care if this one isnt a wall.

rock is dirty.

I have a thing where I am mediocre (at best) at everything I enjoy (not melodramatic). I like musical things, art things, paint things, photography things, craft things, waking up early things, being productive things, exercising things, eating things, sitting things, etc. And as previously mentioned, I am less than talented at most of these things. I don’t know if it is better or worse that I constantly look at the products of people who are talented in these areas.

Also I don’t care if it is better or worse. Sure I am more often reminded of my sad state but at least get to take part in them AT ALL. Whatevs. Dumb thinking. Anyway, I am relishing in the good and bad of this syndrome especially this month, this fashion month. Too many things I love. Freaking about too many things. Gnar things.

One of the things:

Stevan Alan Fall 2011

I dont know why i like this even though it looks like something American Eagle could make. Sorry. I guess American Eagle is just whats cool these days. But really, I like it.


Seriously, don't die. or do. don't care. happy balemtimes.


Today is february 16. Two days ago i was at work and asked, "what's the date today?" also two days ago, kortney and i attempted to spend our valentimes night at deseret industries. They closed early. We found ourselves at the downtown DI in our pajamas. Then decided since we were already down there we should continue our night in our sleep attire.

We shopped in uggs, flare sweatpants, flip flops and ponytails. We considered going to a very nice resaurant in said get up but resorted to a french pastry shop. When we arrived, they had closed the kitchen and stopped serving actual food. We asked our waitress if she would bring some for us anyway.

She was perfect, so she did so. She also didnt charge us for our dinners. Turns out waitress-comradarie is strong, and i am glad to be a part of it. I would be more glad if i was not a waitress and just told people i was. Or maybe she thought we were hobos because we kept saying (in our pajamas), "were just reaaaallly hungry. Is there ANyway we can get some food?" pathetic. and good. i like pink flowers.


you are saying too many things
everyone is saying too many things


The time of the cape.

Moschino Prefall 2011.

i dont want to speak to anyone that smells like mozzerella sticks.
cutting down a million music to fit into a four gigabite ipod is getting old.
i only want to eat grapefruit.
oh. except i miss cookies.
and blue stuff.
kara reminded me of blue stuff.
i am the only one that knows about the things.
the things are high.
i miss the two towers.
grey swan.
my mother is coming to visit murray tomorrow.
she will purchase mangoes for me.
no where on the earth has special yogurt.
i hope taylor and trevor go to hell for not being in murray.
if your steak is not cooked medium rare, get over it, blood-loving freak.
abigail is not a name that i like.
just kidding. it is.
"hipsters are more adept at making fun of hipsters than other people."


tiiny stars.

There are two kinds of people in this world: those that will use the phrase “there are two kinds of blahblahblahs in this world” (college students, idiots, people who don’t shower) and those that would never be so naïve (or pretentious).

I am usually the latter due to the phrase's unpleasant diction (not because i am knowing or unpretentious).

However, I swear only two kinds of artists exist in this world: people trying very hard to be artists and those who are normular, artistic humans. So, artists do or make beautiful, artistic things. people trying very hard to be artists do original, beautiful, creative things in order to build a resume so they can eventually deliver mediocre shi to mediocre-shi deliverers.

Normular, artistic humans just create original, beautiful things by virtue of being artistic. In their spare time, they may deliver mediocre shi to mediocre-shi deliverers in order to not starve.

I really have no commentary on this observation other than the fact that puzzling realities like this are starting to confuse me. I mean, which one is better? Either way, beautiful art and mediocre, mass-mediatic art for Buckle-wearers will be produced. Is one really better than the other? Does motivation actually mean something?

If you are a philosopher or a murderer, then probably yes. But most of us are neither. So does it really matter? And either way, who cares because the majority of people are buckle-wearers anyway.

(i dont like using the word 'matter' in this way. i prefer it describe some arrangement of existence.)

thinging that.

pictures i enjoy today.

like a bat from hell.

"influencing" is not an adjective. as in, you cant use the phrase "influencing magazine." the answer would be Influential.

periods go inside quotation marks. (except in lord of the rings.)

the answers to those questions, all three: no

if you are using the phrase "one of" something, the something that follows are actually somethings. and should be plural.

dont emphasize trite phrases the rest of us thought up when we were 10 as though they are brilliant or original.

let us discover a way for you to delude yourself more.

hard to tell, but i dont hate anyone. i just think you are literally dumb.

and please, dont tell me about your wardrobe until you dress well.

like this human,

damn socialists.

one tomato.

blogging feels impossible. because it is.


i just texted that word to pencil. i did not know how to spell it. i first spelled it "sadening." aaand look. i typed it on this macintosh which spell corrected it for me. (it also corrected "corrected.") this is becoming very pathetic.

ANyway, blogging is impossible because i left my computer at my aunts house in salt lake city. so no pictures or anything awesome from my personal computer are available. Also impossible because my dads large and rather nice macintosh lap top is breaking.

Whenever i look at my blog, or most others, Safari quits immediately (there goes the red underline again).

When i asked my father about this problem, he said, "It's because your mom threw it across the room like 10 times."


No sarcasm, my mother is nice. that was shocking.

I said, "whaaat do you mean?!"

He said that she was sitting using the computer; a bug crawled on the lap top; she screamed and threw it across the room. Apparently this happened multiple times along with some other incidents that ended with this 17" silver brick on the floor, yards away from my mother.

And it is now deteriorating. in fact (the red line is telling me "in fact" is two words, which displeases me), there is a crack in the frame of the screen. Also it no longer has any whatever stuff that was making the top part of the lap "top" not constantly fall backwards.

It now constantly falls backwards.

i just finished watching "Eclipse," which i had never seen.

yesterday i discovered "Hoarders." i subsequently watched the funniest piece of television in history.

i went to the Atlanta aquarium. things like this turn me into a happy, curious 5 year old.

my face and feet were numb from walking downtown.

my family of carnivores/vegetarians/bratty whores finally decided on a 24" pizza that would suit us all. forty-five minutes after we ordered, our waitress told us our toppings were no longer available. we left.

trying new places proved to be bad. we went to a mexican place near our house. i got what i always get, a disturbingly large bowl of chicken and rice soup.

my life is so boring, why dont i answer phone calls.

tomorrow i am going to every thrift store.

i want to ride a bicycle.

no melodic allusions, please.

of the wild.

i mean. this isn't an emergency or anything. but MY GOHHHHSH.

really really really really?

I haven't been this excited for quite sometime (well, since yesterday, kristopher orr + lindsey cragun). Those pictures will come soon as well.

I meannn really? really. really? collars, bow headbands, velvet, short swing dresses, sheer, brown makeup, dots, lines, not to mention dirty, background walls (kortney's and my favorite). hOW do these people know me. ANyways. This is tba--to be adored. Randomly came across them today. almost freaked out. go visit yourself.
