Tuesday, March 29, 2011

dulce far niete.

i do not appreciate baby voices. seriously, never do that around me. i will do it to you, but do NOt do it to me.
i do not appreciate the word 'though.'
i do not appreciate my phone on the verge of death (battery death).
i do not appreciate people trying to make me do things.
i do not appreciate angry thespians taking over the snow building.
i do not appreciate anyone who pronounces 'muslims' like 'mOslims.'
i do not appreciate hair not attached to heads.
(not saying that i particularly appreciate hair that is attached to heads.)
i do not appreciate any shower in my house.
i do not appreciate slipping every step on my way home.
i do not appreciate Eminem singing on the computer next to me.
i IN NO WAY appreciate sticky things. or spilling melty chocolate. or liquids outside of containers.
i do appreciate icicles the size of lightening bolts.
i do appreciate my matching coat and underpants.
i do appreciate horchata.
i do not appreciate that i already drank it.

and things.

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